Healthy Eating
At our nursery we encourage all our children to develop and grow through a well balanced healthy diet. We offer daily nutritious food for all the children in our care; our menus are carefully planned with the emphasis on healthy eating.
Our setting has a fully equipped kitchen, inspected by Environmental Health Officers and staffed by qualified cooks.
A healthy snack is available to the children in the morning and afternoon. We also ensure there is a wide variety of fruit available for all rooms.
Children are proactively encouraged to self serve their meals – with the help of staff when required.
Our menus change on a seasonal basis to reflect the fresh fruit and vegetables that are available. Water, milk, milk shakes and fruit smoothies are provided throughout the day as well as at meal times.
We invite parents to provide input to the menus as part of our commitment to partner with parents.
Click Here to view our menus.